Chemical Engineering Postgraduate Series: Enhancing wastewater treatment efficiency through advanced modelling techniques

Ruan van den Berg, a master’s student in the Machine Learning research group at the Department of Chemical Engineering at Stellenbosch University, is conducting research to improve the efficiency of 

Chemical Engineering Postgraduate Series: Optimising the underground mine cooling operation

Deep-level mining in South Africa is a highly energy-intensive operation, with the cooling of underground environments being one of the most significant contributors to electricity consumption. Jordan Anastasiou, a master’s 

Prof. Yoichi Hoshimoto presents on sustainable hydrogen production at SAJU Forum

Photo: Establishing collaborations with Osaka University on molecular-based approaches for sustainable hydrogen production   Prof. Yoichi Hoshimoto, an associate professor from Osaka University, Japan, recently attended the 6th South African 

Buongiorno Italy! Wessel Horak presents at IFAC SafeProcess 2024

Wessel Horak, a PhD candidate in the Machine Learning Research Group, is currently attending the IFAC SafeProcess Symposium in Ferrara, Italy, where he will be presenting his research. Supervised by 

A legacy of innovation: Prof. Izak Nieuwoudt awarded prestigious Doctorate of Engineering

Prof. Izak Nieuwoudt, an extraordinary professor affiliated with the Department of Chemical Engineering, has recently been honoured with the prestigious Doctorate of Engineering (DEng) degree from Stellenbosch University (SU). The 

Promising SA-first solution to convert paper sludge, food and textile waste into bioethanol

A pioneering solution has been developed to convert cellulose fibre-rich waste from pulp and paper mill operations into ethanol using a specialised fermentation process. Ethanol is a versatile starting material 

Prof. Christie Dorfling presents inaugural lecture on Hydrometallurgical Extraction

Prof. Christie Dorfling, Chair of the Department of Chemical Engineering at Stellenbosch University (SU), delivered his inaugural lecture on Thursday, 18 April 2024. Titled “Hydrometallurgical Extraction of Metals from Primary 

Three new lecturing staff join the Department of Chemical Engineering

The Department of Chemical Engineering at Stellenbosch University (SU) recently welcomed three dynamic additions to its faculty: Mrs. Naomi Harrisankar de Oliveira, Mr. Marno Basson and Dr. Mieke Nieder-Heitmann. Naomi 

Empowering industry professionals: Successful workshop on Industrial Data Analysis

On 25 March 2024, Prof Tobi Louw and Prof Lidia Auret presented an online workshop focused on exploratory data analysis for industrial processes. The event was part of a series 

Dr. Jamie Cripwell recognised as ‘Promising Young Researcher’ by NRF

Dr. Jamie Cripwell, a senior lecturer at the Department of Chemical Engineering at Stellenbosch University, has recently been awarded the Y1 rating in the “Promising Young Researchers” category by the 

Series on Sustainability: Biosurfactants and Biohydrogen

As part of its sustainability research efforts, the Department of Chemical Engineering has a focus on producing biomolecules to replace products derived from fossil fuels. “In biomolecule production,” explains Prof 

Series on Sustainability: The SARChI Chair in Green Hydrogen

The activities under the SARChI Chair in Green Hydrogen Integration and Transition in the Department of Chemical Engineering focus on the use of renewable clean energy. According to Prof Prathieka 

Series on Sustainability: The Seaweed project

This project started out as research into a very specific, large molecule found in seaweed called fucoidan. As time progressed, the study evolved into a comprehensive endeavour aimed at developing 

Series on Sustainability: The Cannabis project

Extraction of active compounds from Cannabis for medicinal purposes is a fast-growing industry. During the extraction of these active compounds, plant waxes are co-extracted and must be removed from the 

Series on Sustainability: The Black Soldier Fly project

The production of protein remains crucial for feeding a growing world population. The cultivation of Black Soldier Fly larvae (BSFL) is an emerging protein production system that has a lower 

Konnichiwa, Japan! ChemEng researchers attend IFAC World Congress

Last term, researchers from the Department of Chemical Engineering journeyed to Yokohama, Japan, for the 22nd International Federation of Automatic Control World Congress. This congress, which takes place every three 

ChemEng students cultivate growth in Kayamandi

The Department of Chemical Engineering’s Postgraduate Student Council (PGSC) joined hands with the Kayamandi Women and Children Development Project last month, where they constructed a vegetable garden and distributed essential 

ChemEng postgrads judge at Regional Eskom Expo

Swapping lab coats for scorecards, four postgraduate candidates from the Department of Chemical Engineering took a brief hiatus from their research to help judge at the Regional Eskom Expo for 

The Department of Chemical Engineering celebrates Women’s Month

It’s Women’s Month! To celebrate, the Department of Chemical Engineering’s staff were treated to tea and treats on Friday, 10 August. Hosted by departmental stalwart Ms Francis Layman, the occasion 

Vamos! ChemEng researchers showcase work at PPEPPD conference in Spain

The Department of Chemical Engineering at Stellenbosch University was recently well-represented in Tarragona, Spain, at the International Conference on Properties and Phase Equilibria for Product And Process Design (PPEPPD).   The 

Machine Learning research group hosts global experts: delving into traffic modelling and mineral processing innovations

The Machine Learning research group at the Department of Chemical Engineering welcomed two exceptional researchers on 18 May 2023. Dr Theresa Smith of Bath University (UK) and Prof Chris Aldrich 

May the fourth be with you: A chat with Star Wars fan Heinrich Bock

In a galaxy not so far, far away, Mr Heinrich Bock, Facilities Manager of the Department of Chemical Engineering, is a bona fide Star Wars fan(atic). From enjoying the movies 

Students and staff have a ball at undergraduate social

The Department of Chemical Engineering’s staff and undergraduate students put their best foot forward at a fun-filled group social on Wednesday, 19 April, where they enjoyed seven-a-side football matches followed 

Meet the four-legged friends of the Department of Chemical Engineering

In honour of International Pet Day on 11 April, we’re celebrating the four-legged friends and companions to the staff members of the Department of Chemical Engineering. From frogs to dogs 

Congrats, grads! Department of Chemical Engineering celebrates March graduates

There is nothing quite as momentous to a Stellenbosch University engineering student as Graduation Day, when all their hard work finally pays off. This graduation season is no different, and 

PGSC at your service: Meet your 2023 council members

The Department of Chemical Engineering at Stellenbosch University is proud to introduce its newly elected Postgraduate Student Council (PGSC) for 2023. The PGSC is devoted to enhancing the postgraduate experience 

Meet Yumna Parker: Multifaceted PhD candidate and President-Elect for the South African System Dynamics Chapter

Hiking, calligraphy and passion for system dynamics. What do these things all have in common? New PhD candidate Yumna Parker, of course!   With a BSc in Earth Science and a 

Weigh to Go, Lou! First-year chemical engineering student wins first year’s textbooks by guessing their weight

Lugging around heavy textbooks is a rite of passage for new chemical engineering students, and first-year student Lou Seraqui de Buttafoco’s knack for judging a book by its cover (and 

New name but same-same: welcome to the Department of Chemical Engineering

Say hello to the Department of Chemical Engineering at Stellenbosch University (SU), formerly known as the Department of Process Engineering.   In a decision that better aligns our academic programmes with 

‘Seeing other students succeed kept me motivated.’ Top graduate Qiniso wins national innovation award

Top-achieving master’s Chemical Engineering graduate Qiniso Ngiba is already making strides in his field. He has recently been named one of the two South African winners of the Blue Sky 

‘This is only the beginning of your journey.’ Departmental graduates honoured at prizegiving

The Department of chemical Engineering at Stellenbosch University (SU) celebrated its graduates and top-achieving students during a special prizegiving function in their honour, at the Endler Hall in Stellenbosch on 

Department bids final-years farewell

The Department of Chemical Engineering bid their final-year undergraduate class of 2022 goodbye during a farewell function at the La Pineta restaurant in Stellenbosch on the evening of Tuesday, 15 

Dr Margreth Tadie awarded new interdisciplinary Research Chair in geometallurgy at Department of Chemical Engineering, in collaboration with Earth Science’s Dr Bjorn von der Heyden

Our Department’s Dr Margreth Tadie has recently been named the new African Rainbow Minerals Geometallurgy Research Chair at Stellenbosch University. She shares this interdisciplinary research grant with Dr Bjorn von 

Department of Chemical Engineering’s Prof Johann Görgens awarded for research and mentorship

This Feature Friday, we honour our Prof Johann Görgens, who was recently presented with a Research Excellence Award and a Distinguished Postdoctoral Mentor Award from Stellenbosch University (SU).   “I am 

The Department of ChemicalEngineering hosts Interinstitutional Chemical Engineering Postgraduate Symposium, welcomes postgraduates from UCT and CPUT

Postgraduate candidates specialising in chemical engineering from across the Western Cape joined forces to present their research on Friday, 30 September, at an Interinstitutional Chemical Engineering Postgraduate Symposium hosted by 

Heritage Month: Meet Jamie from Jacaranda City

In honour of Heritage Month, the Department of Chemical Engineering will feature a few of our students — local and international — in celebration of our Department’s wealth of cultures, 

Wom(ENG)’s Month: Meet inspirational PhD student, Evelyn Manjengwa

Not too long ago, thirteen-year-old Evelyn Manjengwa knew that she wanted to become a chemical engineer the day she saw a photo of a petrochemical plant on the cover of 

Wom(ENG)’s Month: Sandri the social butterfly, animal lover, engineer

Chemical Engineering PhD candidate Sandri Du Plessis is the Department of Chemical Engineering’s very own Wonder Woman. Between her studies, she juggles her duties as Chairperson of the Engineering Student 

Department welcomes aspiring engineers during Winter Week

The Department of Process Engineering at Stellenbosch University (SU) welcomed approximately 160 high school learners during the Faculty of Engineering’s recent Winter Week — an annual opportunity for aspiring engineers 

SU Extraordinary Professor Izak Nieuwoudt honoured in Texas

The Process Engineering Department at Stellenbosch University (SU) is immensely proud of Professor Izak Nieuwoudt, who was recently honoured for his outstanding contribution in the fields of distillation and absorption. 

‘I love how chemical engineering can help build a better world.’ Meet PGSC member Darné Nunes

For Postgraduate Student Council (PGSC) member Darné Nunes, the choice to study chemical engineering was easy: “I love science and how chemical engineering can be used to help build a 

Meet PGSC member and problem solver Judi Kuyler

Growing up on a dairy farm in George, Postgraduate Student Council (PGSC) member Judi Kuyler has always been fond of solving problems. “I enjoy spending time with my dad, fixing 

SU Engineering Department paints Pretoria maroon

*English to follow * Top graad 12-leerders regoor Pretoria en Johannesburg het Woensdagaand, 18 Mei 2022, ‘n voorsmakie van Matie-wees gekry, tydens ‘n Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) Ingenieurswese-gedrewe Topleerderfunksie. Die funksie 

Calling all aspiring chemical engineering students! Join our Q&A webinar on Wed, 25 May 2022.

Aspiring chemical engineering students are invited to join an exciting Q&A webinar, hosted by the SU’s Department of Process Engineering on Wednesday, 25 May 2022, from 19:00 – 20:00. This 

‘The Department has become a special place for me.’ – Meet PGSC member Roelof Maritz

Unsure of his future after high school, Roelof Maritz of Melkbosstrand decided to study chemical engineering. “I thought, at the very least, that completing a Chem Eng degree would make 

‘Don’t be afraid to ask for help.’ – Meet PGSC member Zak Schlebusch

Sometimes parents simply know best, which was certainly the case for Postgraduate Student Council (PGSC) member Zak Schlebusch, hailing from East London, when he had to choose a field of 

‘Hold on to your dreams.’ Meet PGSC member Mensah Brobbey

This #FeatureFriday, we have the pleasure of introducing Mensah Brobbey, one of the Process Engineering Department’s Postgraduate Student Council (PGSC) members. Hailing from Ghana, Mensah is the Monthly Bulletin Editor 

‘Girls study chemical engineering too!’ Meet PGSC Secretary Veronica Lourens

‘Girls study Chemical Engineering too!’ Meet PGSC Secretary Veronica Lourens Veronica Lourens, Secretary of the Process Engineering Department’s Postgraduate Student Council (PGSC), is always up for a challenge. It’s the 

Meet PGSC Chairperson Kudzai Chiodza

Thanks to FOMO (the “fear of missing out”) Kudzai Chiodza, current chairperson of the Postgraduate Student Council, skipped out on studying biochemistry to study chemical engineering instead. We chat to 

Feature Friday: Steven Bradshaw – Rock Climber, Distinguished Professor, Friend.

Steven Bradshaw: Rock Climber, Distinguished Professor, Friend. Prof Bradshaw started his career at SU 32 years ago in 1989! Greatly loved among colleagues and students alike, he has been a 

Meet our new Postgraduate Student Council!

The Department recently introduced its new Postgraduate Student Council (PGSC). The function of the PGSC is to represent the postgraduate student cohort in multiple capacities within the department, and to 

The sky is the limit for master’s graduate Bovinille Anye Cho

Bovinille Anye Cho, originally from a rural town in the southwest region of the Republic of Cameroon, completed his master’s degree with distinction in Chemical Engineering at the Department of 

Dr Margreth Tadie participant in Future Professors Programme

Dr Margreth Tadie, a lecturer in the Department of Process Engineering, was selected as a participant in the Future Professors Programme (FPP), which is a new initiative of the Department 

Ruan Pretorius the well-rounded professional Stellenbosch is proud to produce, says supervisor

Written by Liesel Koch: Corporate Marketer, Dean’s Division, Faculty of Engineering “Ruan was a supervisor’s dream: he was independent, a quick learner, and solved his own problems. Before long he 

Carlie’s research on ‘French paradox’ compound contributes to patent

Written by Liesel Koch: Corporate Marketer, Dean’s Division, Faculty of Engineering “During my undergraduate studies I developed an interest in Bioprocess Engineering and wanted to work in the pharmaceutical or 

Dr Robbie Pott wins Teaching Excellence Award

Author: Asiphe Nombewu, Corporate Communication Dr Robbie Pott, a senior lecturer at Stellenbosch University’s (SU) Faculty of Engineering, says it is gratifying to be honoured as one of the 12 

Apollo 11, rock and roll and 50 years of chemical engineering

Featured photo: From left to right: Prof. Steven Bradshaw, Prof. Hansie Knoetze, Mr Marius Louw, Mrs Pia Nel, Prof. Jannie van Deventer and Dr Eric Horsten. The glass trophies were 

Matie’s prize-winning edible straws help the environment

Article by Dr Alec Basson Her passion for environmental sustainability has recently bagged a second-year Chemical Engineering student at Stellenbosch University (SU) a massive cash prize. Moved by a Facebook 

Second international academic adventure awaits Engineering alumnus

A second international academic adventure awaits Bovinille Anye Cho in September 2019. Bovinille, who hails from Cameroon, obtained his MEng in Chemical Engineering cum laude in December 2018 at Stellenbosch 

Separation Technology at PPEPPD 2019 in Vancouver

Members of the Department of Process Engineering’s Separations Technology research group recently attended the International Conference on Properties and Phase Equilibria for Product and Process Design (PPEPPD) held in Vancouver, 

Process Engineering student graduates after battling brain tumour

By Rozanne Engel The shocking discovery of a tumour on his brain brought Andrew Steiner’s studies to an abrupt standstill only one year into his MEng course at Stellenbosch University 

Hard work and perseverance took Nthabiseng to her dreams

By Corporate Communications Division/Asiphe Nombewu Growing up in the dusty streets of Gankwana village in Limpopo, 25-year-old Nthabiseng Seleme says she never ever imagined herself graduating with a master’s degree 

Process Engineering lecturer receives R5 M research funding from the UK

By: Rozanne Engel, Corporate Communication Dr Margreth Tadie, a lecturer in the Process Engineering Department at Stellenbosch University (SU), is one of 30 scientists in Africa to have been selected 

Mother encouraged top graduate from Ghana

By: Corporate Communications Division/Asiphe Nombewu “You never really grow if you continue staying in your comfort zone,” are the philosophical words of Kwame Donkor (29) from Ghana who hasn’t seen 

Process engineering student winner in sustainability research

Author: Liesel Koch George Kofi Parku, MEng student in Chemical Engineering at Stellenbosch University, was chosen as one of 25 winners in the Green Talents Science Forum, 2018. “This is 

Electricity from Bacteria

Written by Dr Kate Haigh Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Process Engineering Did you know that it is possible to print bacteria using an inkjet printer to produce biological photovoltaic 

Separation Technology Researchers Attend ESAT 2018

Six delegates from the Department of Process Engineering recently attended the 30th European Symposium on Applied Thermodynamics (ESAT) held in Prague, Czech Republic from June 10 to 13. The conference 

Research Chair in Sugarcane Biorefining

written by Liesel Koch, Dean’s Office, Faculty of Engineering This year, a DST/NRF SA Research Chair in Sugarcane Biorefining was established in the Faculty of Engineering at Stellenbosch University. It 

Engineering honours top schools

“The Faculty of Engineering is honoured to be associated with you,” August Engelbrecht said to an audience of 300 people during a very special event on 17 March 2018. “Today 

Research group branches out for a day of bonsai

On 15 February, 2018, staff and postgraduate students from Process Monitoring and Systems (part of the Extractive Metallurgy Research Group in the Department of Process Engineering) kicked off the year 

Riccardo Swanepoel honoured as top final-year student at the Rector’s Awards

Riccardo Swanepoel, currently a master’s student in the Department of Process Engineering, was recently honoured as one of the top final-year undergraduate students for 2016 at the Rector’s Awards, hosted 

Guest lecture: Dr Laurentz Olivier (SACAC)

On 20 September 2017, Dr Laurentz Olivier presented a guest lecture on behalf of the South African Council for Automation and Control (SACAC) to students from the Departments of Process, 

Process Engineers ‘Resourcing the Future’ at SAIMM Research Showcase

The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy’s (SAIMM) Western Cape Branch held a national conference on 3 – 4 August 2017 at Philippi Village, Cape Town. Over 100 delegates 

UK – Kenya – South Africa Trilateral Workshop

Increased food security through improved postharvest systems using renewable and sustainable energy for rural communities: 4th – 8th September 2017, Stellenbosch, South Africa Discipline: Postharvest Technology, Sustainable Energy and Food 

Process Engineering Researchers in Bucharest

Process Engineering researchers and students recently attended the 29th European Symposium on Applied Thermodynamics in Bucharest, Romania. Dr Jamie Cripwell (pictured above, right) and Ms Sonja Smith (pictured above, middle) 

Faculty of Engineering visits schools in Cape Town to talk about study and career opportunities

The Department of Process Engineering recently visited schools in the Western Cape to promote the field of engineering at Stellenbosch University. Dr Margreth Tadie was invited to present a keynote 

The 2016 International Mineral Processing Congress (IMPC)

The XXVIII International Mineral Processing Congress (IMPC) was held in Québec City, Canada from 11 – 15 September 2016. Two papers from the Department of Process Engineering were presented at 

Researchers at Conference in China

A team of the Separations Technology Research Group from the Process Engineering Department recently attended the 24th IUPAC International Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics in Guilin, China. The conference provided a