Admin Officer: Undergraduate

Professor | Mineral & Waste Processing

Extraordinary Professor

Extraordinary Associate Professor

Junior Lecturer | Probabilistic Modelling, Machine Learning & Statistics

Facilities Manager


Extraordinary Professor

Distinguished Professor | Extractive metallurgy, metal recycling & machine learning

Professor | Separations Technology & Water Treatment

Professor | Bioresources, waste valorisation, biorefineries & biomaterials

Senior Lecturer | Thermodynamic modelling, thermophysical property measurement & machine learning

Postgraduate & Research Manager

Postgraduate & Research Manager

Bioresource Engineering, Process development & Exergy-based methods

Dept. Chair | Professor | Hydrometallurgy, metal recycling & process modelling

Supply Chain Optimization of Alternative Energy generation

Extraordinary Professor

Prospective Student Enquiries

Bioprocess Engineering & Life-cycle assessment

Associate Professor | Biorefineries, Bio-feedstock valorisation & Water-energy-food nexus

Distinguished Professor | Biorefineries, techno-economics & bioprocessing

Extraordinary Associate Professor

Junior Lecturer | Catalysis, Photocatalysis & Photoreactors

Faculty Secretary

Principal Technical Assistant

Emeritus Professor

Principal Assistant

Workshop Assistant

Administrative Officer: Finances & Chairman Office

Financial Administrator to Prof Görgens

Extraordinary Professor

Associate Professor | Process modelling & monitoring

Bioprocess Engineering



Junior Lecturer | Bioresources, photocatalysis & coal gasification

Postdoctoral Research Fellow | Life cycle assessment, Lithium-ion battery recycling & Hydrometallurgy

Principal Financial Administrative Officer

Technical Assistant

Senior Mechanist

POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW | Recombinant protein expression and purification of medical and pharmaceutical production relevant enzymes


Junior Lecturer | High pressure equilibria & supercritical fractionation

Professor | Chemical Thermodynamics, Chemical Separation Technologies

Lecturer | Bioresource valorization & Techno-economic evaluations

Extraordinary Professor

Postdoctoral Fellow

Senior Technical Officer

Associate Professor | Water/wastewater treatment & reuse & membrane technology

Professor | Biofuels, bioreactors & waste beneficiation

Extraordinary Professor | Numerical & computational modelling of multiphysics phenomena in pyrometallurgy

Mechanic (Workshop)

Professor | Thermodynamics & separations at high & low pressures

Junior Technical Officer

Undergraduate Officer

Extraordinary Senior Lecturer | Polymer thermodynamics | Sustainable process technoeconomics | Uncertainty analysis

Senior Lecturer | Geometallurgy, Electrochemistry/Electrometallurgy, Tailings Management & Processing


Postdoctoral Fellow

Prospective undergraduate student communication

Technical Officer

Prospective Student Liaison & Marketing

Prospective Student Liaison & Marketing

Extraordinary Professor

Download CV |

Associate Professor | Fermentation systems, Bioprocess development & Bioenergy from waste

Senior Technical Officer

Lecturer | Hydrometallurgy, PGM recovery & metals recycling

Postdoctoral fellow | Circular Economy