Associate Professor | Fermentation systems, Bioprocess development & Bioenergy from waste
Short Bio
Eugéne van Rensburg is an industrial microbiologist and holds a PhD in Microbiology from the University of the Free State and an MBA degree from Stellenbosch University. He joined the Department of Chemical Engineering as a postdoctoral fellow in 2008 and later as senior researcher in 2013. He is currently appointed as Associate Professor in Chemical Engineering.
Research Interests
Eugéne’s main research interests include (i) bioprocess development with emphasis on fermentation systems and associated up- and downstream processing where microbes and their products are exploited for commercial gain, (ii) biomass processing and extraction of valuable products, and (iii) energy generation from agricultural, bioprocessing and industrial wastes. He seeks to integrate these foci in a multidisciplinary approach where bio-based technologies can be applied to address the Food-Energy-Water Nexus triple challenge within the context of sustainable development in rural Africa.
Selected Publications
A list of his published works can be found on his Google Scholar profile.
Chemical Engineering 424 (Bioprocessing)
Short course in Statistics and Design of Experiments (DOE)