Prof Jacques Eksteen
Extraordinary Professor
Short Bio
- Education
- PhD (Engineering), Stellenbosch University, 2004
- MEng (Extractive Metallurgical Engineering), Stellenbosch University, 1995
- BEng (Chemical Engineering – Mineral Processing), Stellenbosch University, 1993
- Professional experience
- Professor Extraordinary
Department of Process Engineering, Stellenbosch University
2007 to present - Professor (Chair: Metallurgy)
Curtin University, Australia
2012 to present - Manager: Gold Technology Group
Curtin University, Australia
2012 to present - Associate Professor
Department of Process Engineering, Stellenbosch University
2006 to 2007 - Senior Lecturer
Department of Process Engineering, Stellenbosch University
1998 to 2006 - Process Engineer
Atomic Energy Corporation, Pelindaba
1995 to 1996
- Professor Extraordinary
- Honours & Awards
- 2006: Nomination for Rector’s Award for Excellence in Teaching (Stellenbosch University).
- 2006: SAIChE / Chemical Technology Award for Innovation in Chemical Engineering.
- 2003: Upcoming Researcher of the Year (Stellenbosch University).
Research Interests
- Thermodynamics and kinetics of pyro- and hydrometallurgical processes.
- Sampling, measurement, control and data reconciliation.
- Process design and development.
- Process modelling.
- Computational fluid dynamics modelling.
Selected Publications
- Thyse, E. L., Akdogan, G., Olivier, E. J., O’Connell, J. H., Neethling, J. H., Taskinen, P., & Eksteen, J. J. (2013). 3D insights into nickel converter matte phases: Direct observations via TEM and FIB SEM tomography. Minerals Engineering, Article in press.
- Olivier, M. C., Dorfling, C., & Eksteen, J. J. (2012). Evaluating a solvent extraction process route incorporating nickel preloading of cyanex 272 for the removal of cobalt and iron from nickel sulphate solutions. Minerals Engineering, 27-28, 37-51.
- Mwase, J. M., Petersen, J., & Eksteen, J. J. (2012). Assessing a two-stage heap leaching process for platreef flotation concentrate. Hydrometallurgy, 129-130, 74-81.
- Mwase, J. M., Petersen, J., & Eksteen, J. J. (2012). A conceptual flowsheet for heap leaching of platinum group metals (PGMs) from a low-grade ore concentrate. Hydrometallurgy, 111-112(1), 129-135.
- McDougall, I., & Eksteen, J. J. (2012). Sidewall design to improve lining life in a platinum smelting furnace. Paper presented at the TMS Annual Meeting, 47-54.
- Bezuidenhout, G. A., Davis, J., Van Beek, B., & Eksteen, J. J. (2012). Operation of a concentrated mode dual-alkali scrubber plant at the Lonmin smelter. Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 112(7), 657-665.