Extraordinary Professor
Short Bio
• DEng (Extractive Metallurgy), Stellenbosch University, 2015
• PhD (Engineering), Stellenbosch University, 1993
• MEng (Extractive Metallurgical Engineering), Stellenbosch University, 1986
• BEng (Chemical Engineering), Stellenbosch University, 1982
Professional experience
• Head of Department
Department of Mining Engineering and Metallurgical Engineering, Western Australian School of Mines, Curtin University
• Chair: Process Systems Engineering
Department of Mining Engineering and Metallurgical Engineering, Western Australian School of Mines, Curtin University
• Departmental Chairman
Department of Process Engineering, Stellenbosch University
2010- 2011
• Professor (Process Systems Engineering)
Department of Process Engineering, Stellenbosch University
1999-2011 (Ad Hominem)
• Associate Professor (Process Systems Engineering)
Department of Process Engineering, Stellenbosch University
1996-1998 (Ad Hominem)
• Various positions in academic and industry (1984-1995)
Professional societies and academic boards
• Fellow of the South African Academy of Engineering
• Editorial Board Member: Minerals Engineering
• Associate Editor: Control Engineering Practice
Honours and awards
• British Association (S2A3) Silver Medal (2000). A single award that may be made annually to a person under the age of 40 who is active in scientific research and who has provided evidence by way of publications, discoveries and/or skills of outstanding capability and achieve¬ment, especially when measured by international standards.
• President’s Award of the Foundation of Research and Development (FRD) in South Africa for interna¬tional recognition of research (1995). This award is made annually to about 3 or 4 South Afri¬can aca¬de¬mics under the age of 35 in science, engineering and technology.
• Stellenbosch University Rector’s Award for Excellence in Research (2000, 2006).
• Researcher of the Year, Fa¬cul¬ty of Engineering, University of Stellenbosch (1995).
• Recipient of merit awards from the Faculty of Engineering for excellent service (2010, 2011).
Research Interests
• Artificial intelligence and machine learning
• Complex Systems
• Mineral processing
• Water treatment
Selected Publications
o Mpinga, C.N., Eksteen, J.J., Aldrich, C. and Dyer, L.G. 2017. Identification of the significant factors determining extractability of Ni and Cu after sulfation roasting of a PGM-bearing chromitite ore. Minerals Engineering (in press).
o Aldrich, C., Smith, L.K., Verrelli, D.I., Bruckard, W.J. and Kistner, M. 2017. Multivariate image analysis of a realgar-orpiment froth flotation system. Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Transactions C, published online, Available at http://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/WqtEXXsDBrytc9JdXYzS/full.
o Feng, C., Aldrich, C., Eksteen, J.J. and Arrigan, D. 2017. Removal of arsenic from alkaline process waters of gold cyanidation by use of Fe3O4@SiO2@TiO2 nanosorbents. Minerals Engineering, 110, 40-46.
o Hou, Y., Aldrich, C., Lepkova, K, Machuca, L.L. and Kinsella, B. 2016. Monitoring of carbon steel corrosion by use of electrochemical noise and recurrence quantification analysis. Corrosion Science 112, 63-72.
o Brink, S., Dorfling, C. and Aldrich C. 2016. An acoustic sensor for prediction of the structural stability of rock. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 85, 187–191.
o Heunis, T.-M., Aldrich, C. and de Vries, P.J. 2016. Recent advances in resting state electroencephalography biomarkers for autism spectrum disorder – a review of methodological and clinical challenges. Pediatric Neurology 61, 28–37.
o Krishnannair, S., Aldrich C. and Jemwa, G.T. 2016. Fault detection in process systems with singular spectrum analysis. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 113, 151-168.
o Aldrich C., Uahengo F.D.L. and Kistner, M. 2015. Particle size estimation in hydrocyclone underflow streams by use of multivariate image analysis. Minerals Engineering, 70, 14-19.
o Groenewald, J.W. de V. and Aldrich, C. 2015. Root cause analysis of process fault conditions on an industrial concentrator circuit by use of causality maps and extreme learning machines, Minerals Engineering, 74, 30-40.
o Mpinga, C.N., Eksteen, J.J., Aldrich, C. and Dyer, L.G. 2015. Direct leach approaches to platinum group metal (PGM) ores and concentrates: A review. Minerals Engineering 78, 93-113.
• Mining and Metallurgy MINE2001
• Particle Technology 314
• Materials Engineering 314