The XXVIII International Mineral Processing Congress (IMPC) was held in Québec City, Canada from 11 – 15 September 2016. Two papers from the Department of Process Engineering were presented at the congress by Prof Steven Bradshaw, Professor Christie Dorfling, Dr Edson Charikinya, and Dr Margreth Tadie presented a poster.
Dr Charikinya is currently with the UCT but presented his work from his PhD, obtained at Stellenbosch University in 2015. Christie Dorfling, Saviour Masambi, Steven Bradshaw presented a paper entitled Evaluation of iron (II) oxidation reactions in chloride leach solutions. Further, Edson Charikinya and Steven Bradshaw presented a paper entitled Particle damage and exposure analysis of microwave treated ores for bio-heap leaching. Dr Tadie’s poster was entitled Application of potential control to the flotation of galena through variation of dissolved oxygen, pH and ionic strength.
Emphasis at the congress was made on the future of mineral processing, while focussing on emerging leaders, energy, innovation, and the legacy of mineral processing. The theme of emerging leaders within the international community was supported by the formation of an “emerging young leaders working group”, which was formed, in order to assist the council in addressing the needs of the upcoming leaders in the international mineral processing community. The group is comprised of young researchers in academia and industry, who have been recognised as future leaders in the industry. Dr Margreth Tadie, who is part of the Extractive Metallurgy research group at the Department, has been included in this emerging young leaders group.