
Extraction of active compounds from Cannabis for medicinal purposes is a fast-growing industry. During the extraction of these active compounds, plant waxes are co-extracted and must be removed from the 
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Last term, researchers from the Department of Chemical Engineering journeyed to Yokohama, Japan, for the 22nd International Federation of Automatic Control World Congress. This congress, which takes place every three 
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The Department of Chemical Engineering’s Postgraduate Student Council (PGSC) joined hands with the Kayamandi Women and Children Development Project last month, where they constructed a vegetable garden and distributed essential 
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Swapping lab coats for scorecards, four postgraduate candidates from the Department of Chemical Engineering took a brief hiatus from their research to help judge at the Regional Eskom Expo for 
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It’s Women’s Month! To celebrate, the Department of Chemical Engineering’s staff were treated to tea and treats on Friday, 10 August. Hosted by departmental stalwart Ms Francis Layman, the occasion 
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The Department of Chemical Engineering at Stellenbosch University was recently well-represented in Tarragona, Spain, at the International Conference on Properties and Phase Equilibria for Product And Process Design (PPEPPD).   The 
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The Machine Learning research group at the Department of Chemical Engineering welcomed two exceptional researchers on 18 May 2023. Dr Theresa Smith of Bath University (UK) and Prof Chris Aldrich 
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In a galaxy not so far, far away, Mr Heinrich Bock, Facilities Manager of the Department of Chemical Engineering, is a bona fide Star Wars fan(atic). From enjoying the movies 
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The Department of Chemical Engineering’s staff and undergraduate students put their best foot forward at a fun-filled group social on Wednesday, 19 April, where they enjoyed seven-a-side football matches followed 
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In honour of International Pet Day on 11 April, we’re celebrating the four-legged friends and companions to the staff members of the Department of Chemical Engineering. From frogs to dogs 
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