Author: Gini

As part of its sustainability research efforts, the Department of Chemical Engineering has a focus on producing biomolecules to replace products derived from fossil fuels. “In biomolecule production,” explains Prof 
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The activities under the SARChI Chair in Green Hydrogen Integration and Transition in the Department of Chemical Engineering focus on the use of renewable clean energy. According to Prof Prathieka 
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This project started out as research into a very specific, large molecule found in seaweed called fucoidan. As time progressed, the study evolved into a comprehensive endeavour aimed at developing 
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Extraction of active compounds from Cannabis for medicinal purposes is a fast-growing industry. During the extraction of these active compounds, plant waxes are co-extracted and must be removed from the 
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The production of protein remains crucial for feeding a growing world population. The cultivation of Black Soldier Fly larvae (BSFL) is an emerging protein production system that has a lower 
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